I am afraid to jinx this beautiful weather but I will go for it...I think spring has arrived. At least I am desperately hoping it has--winter, I would like to send you packing. But winter I remember you are strong and mighty and I don't doubt you and your ability to come back in a snap. I just wouldn't like to see it until December. In the meantime---here are a few pictures of a homemade suet that Lil and I made for the birds during 2010 snowmaggedon. To quote Lillie "It was a BIIIIIGG project". Grapefruit shells, seeds, nuts, raisins, and leftover grease from the freezer. I wondered about the whole the thing but the birds were very appreciative and it was an afternoon of entertainment.
In case you did not already know, that is an adorable Wren at your grapefruit feeder. I have one in my garage..she has made a little bed in an old pair of swim trunks and stayed there all winter. She comes in at night and leaves in the morning. I have a feeling she is going to be building a nest soon ; -)